The regular work of the "Human rights service for children":
-  social and legal help for children who are in a difficult life situation (consultations, interaction with government bodies and administrative structures, involvement of mass media);
-  provision of humanitarian aid to childcare institutions.

The "Child's right for a family" program:
-  implementation of new models of work on prevention of child neglect and social orphanhood, of preventive work with families at risk and development of different forms of family placement of orphans;
-  dissemination of progressive know-how and experience from the regions of Russia;
-  assistance in organization of programs of family placement for holidays of the institutionalized children; development of the permanent family placement and mentoring as a follow up of these programs.

Training and knowledge dissemination activities:
-  conferences, organization of training seminars and courses;
-  publishing.

Assistance in creating children's rights NGOs in different regions of the Russian Federation

Development and promotion of legislative proposals, aimed at fulfilling the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child Recommendations:
-  creation of effective mechanisms for dealing with children's complaints and for control of observance of their rights, including the system of "intruding" public inspection of childcare institutions;
-  introduction of juvenile justice in the Russian Federation;
-  implementation of mechanisms for provision of child's right for the family;
-  involving community initiatives in solving problems of childhood and family; development of social partnership.

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